
Reward And Recognition; The Glare Of Publicity

The company newsletter hit Ruth Kenyon's desk and there was her picture on the front page under the heading "Employee of the Month". A simple paragraph of text explained that she had single-handedly reduced the debtor days from 39 to 32 in a period of 6 weeks. If others didn't understand the significance of her work, it didn't matter, she just felt a huge wave of pride sweep over her. Even the smallest company has a reception area. This is a great place to publicize how go...

Advantages Of Time Management

The advantages of time management include reducing stress, gaining time, reducing avoidance, while promoting reviews and eliminating cramming. Another advantage is that managing time helps us to stay motivated while we avoid procrastination. The trick to successful time management is setting up goals that work, while having an awareness of those goals and prioritizing your list of goals. When you set up an effective time management plan, you are growing and upholding a per...

The Three Levels Of Work — And How You Can Increase Your Income With Very Little Effort

If you listen carefully, you'll hear people talking about ways they can make more money. Their strategies will be different depending on the kind of work they do. I was in a convenience store when I heard the clerk tell another employee how he was putting in lots of overtime. It was long hours of work, but he was eagerly doing it to get a little extra cash on payday. Another day I was waiting in the lobby of a big corporation. I heard several executives discuss how much...

A Golden Rule To Manage Job/Workplace Stress

A Golden Rule To Manage Job/Workplace Stress: Having gone for a sea bath, don't be afraid of the oncoming waves. Take your plunge! * Getting a job, involves lots of stress. * Getting a job, without the stressful environment, is a blessing. * Getting a job, with the type work profile that you like, a cheerfully disposed staff, and the administration that maintains the human relations at its best, is a boon! You put in your best efforts, but everyone around you is dissa...

Tips To Help You Organize

According to a survey conducted by Harris Interactive on behalf of American Demopgraphics, the most common excuse people use for not getting organized is not having enough time. Ironcially, those who are organized end up having more time to focus on important tasks and do the things they enjoy most.