
Build Bridges Not Walls – Employee Recognition

Regular, one-on-one assessments with your staff provide an efficient two-way forum with which to set and review realistic achievement targets, provide feedback on performance, and listen to and consider any problems employees may have. For example, a sales executive may feel that he or she is under performing, when in fact sales targets have been set too high. During the appraisal, these targets could be reviewed and set at more realistic levels. And after the goals have been...

Boost Employee Morale With An Employee Incentive Program

Is there a lull in your office? Are your employees not satisfied anymore with the way that you are manning the place? Good managers know from their own observations that employee attitude affects their work and eventually the company’s output. When your employees have a happy and healthy attitude the company will be able to reap the many benefits of this through the constant flow of good business as well as higher profits. But what if the employees are actually not happy ...

Chef Uniforms: Style Made to Order

Isn't it funny how many chef uniforms in high-class restaurants are white? Even a regular person who wears white shirts or pants has a hard time keeping them spot and stain-free on a normal day. Think about how difficult is it for cooks and bakers, who are constantly leaning over soup bowls and sautéing vegetables, to keep their chef uniforms clean and tidy.

Human Resources: What Drives An Organization

The field of Human Behavior Organization emphasizes the importance of human resources in any business organization. The business filed offers too much focus on manpower development for it is the lifeblood of an existing industry. This consideration provided several honchos in trade enterprise to create spin off departments to cater on different structural framework of human resource management development. Some of the most generic or common filed are the one below: • Hu...

Standardize Your Process To Improve The Bottom Line

Standardize your processes! You can save time, money and prevent errors. Things you do over and over should be done the same way every time, if indeed you do the task the best way. They say variety is the spice of life, but for healthcare processes it certainly isn’t most of the time. Consider this, if you would. Would you buy your favorite brand of soda if sometimes your 12 ounce can were 3/4 of the way full and sometimes almost overflowing. Certainly not. You expect there t...

Six Sigma Tools

Statistics are at the heart of Six Sigma’s powerful methodology for quality improvement. It pays to get to know some of the most important of the Six Sigma statistical tools. Control Charts The control chart is the fundamental tool of statistical process control; a proven technique for improving productivity. It monitors the variation of key characteristics and indicates the range of variability that is built into a system. Control charts provide diagnostic information ...

Rewarding Work Well Done with Fun

Has your sales team just completed its third record-setting month in a row? Did your advertising team pull off a spectacular campaign under a tight deadline? Have you just closed the books on your most successful year ever? One of the best ways to motivate your employees to continue working hard is to reward work well done with fun.