
How Do You Know You Are Getting Better? Use Data To Drive Improvement

The best quality improvement initiatives are driven by data! Why? How are you going to know how much you have improved if you don’t measure something? All of you have been exposed to measures in many situations. Most of them were important. In school, you were graded. Perhaps you own shares of stock; how do you measure the success of the stock—its increase in value, a measurement. How do you know if your team wins? By its score, a measurement. The fact is that many daily ...

Top Tips For Keeping Your Employees Safe

It doesn’t matter whether you have 5 employees or 500, an employer’s responsibility is to ensure that employees have a safe environment in which to work. This includes both the day-to-day processes carried out at your premises, and the general safety and welfare of the people who work for you. There’s a fine line between using security measures to keep your staff safe, and invading their privacy. That’s why, before you implement safety measures, you should always check tha...

True Information Management: Far More Than Technical Automation Support

Across the Regular army, the term Selective information Management connotes different substance. In a garrison environment, a unit or section selective information direction military officer is typically that computer smart individual responsible for keeping their respective automation assets properly configured and Entropy Assurance Vulnerability Alert compliant in accordance with Directorate of Info Management policy. In a tactical setting, specifically at division and high...