
Innovative Thinking- Can it be done by a team?

Linux is named after Linus Torvalds, a Finnish programmer. Today Linux is one of the path breaking software which has been recognized all over the world. Linus Torvalds developed Linux all alone, but today since the source code is free to access and change, Linux goes on getting developed further by thousands of programmers working in groups or all alone. Here it was the creativity of one brain which gave birth to a concept. This concept has been developed to its present form by...

Beware The Busy Manager

Only about 10 percent of managers work purposefully to complete important tasks, according to a 10-year study of managerial behavior across a variety of industries. The other 90 percent self-sabotage by busily engaging in non-purposeful activities, procrastinating, detaching from their work and needlessly spinning their wheels. In a revealing study over a 10-year period, 1993-2003, authors Heike Bruch and Sumantra Ghoshal tracked behaviors of managers in a wide variety of ...

Become The Go – To Expert In Your Industry

One of the easiest ways to drive prospective clients and customers to your business is to become the expert in your field. The term Expert carries credibility and prestige that can open many doors for you, and, oddly enough, the term is relatively easy to acquire. This simple three step process can help you quickly and easily set yourself up as the expert in your field. Step 1: Determine Your Niche Instead of trying to be everything to everybody, narrow down your focus ...

Background Checks – Quintessential In Today’s World Of Employment

A background check is essentially a verification procedure. It is a method of investigating the past of an individual and his achievements and failures for the purpose of recruitment. This helps the employer to judge the validity of information furnished by the prospective employee. Any company must go through a proper and systematic background checking before making a hiring decision. Background checks have proved to be more beneficial and effective in comparison to pers...

Work At Home Directories – Why Use Them?

Work at home programs have grown in popularity over the past (5) five years. You have access to millions of people with a simple click of a mouse button. Due to this growth a niche in the market place was created and that is the work at home directory web sites. The will compile a list of researched programs on their sites broken down into different categories for your convenience.

Risk Assessment In The Workplace. Part 2

Step 3. Evaluate the risks and decide whether existing precautions are adequate or more should be done. Consider how likely it is that each hazard could cause harm. This will determine whether or not you need to do more to reduce the risk. Even after all precautions have been taken, some risk usually remains. What you have to decide for each significant hazard is whether this remaining risk is high, medium or low. Firstly, ask yourself whether you have done all the thin...