
How to Spot an MLM Scam

Multilevel marketing, or MLM, is a business model that is a combination of direct marketing and franchising. The concept behind the model is simple: A company has a product that needs to be sold. Typical business operations will sell the product directly to consumers, or they will look for people who will sell it for them. MLM requires salespersons not only to sell the said product, but also to hire persons who will buy and sell the product, who will also, in turn, hire people who will purchase and sell the product for them, and the cycle goes on. MLM businesses sometimes have a problem regarding corporate image because it if often hard to tell a legal MLM enterprise from the scams, although there are lots of legitimate MLM businesses operating in many states in the U.S. and in other countries. Neophyte firms may call their operations "home-based business franchising," or "affiliate marketing."

Mangement Through Measurement

In 1996, in the movie Jerry McGuire, actor Cuba Gooding, Jr. made famous the phrase “Show Me the Money!” Ten years later, a variation of that command, now “Show Me the Data!” rings in conference rooms throughout the country. Managers far and wide, at least the successful ones, are looking at the data. Don’t tell me your opinion, show me the data. Can you back it up with data? If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it. Companies may be able to survive for a while if mana...

Managing Staff By Talking To Them

As a cleaning company we place a very high value on our staff, they can make or break your business. They are our greatest asset and also our greatest liability. Consequently maintaining an excellent working environment and keeping staff well motivated is one of our primary goals. The same applies to most businesses although it is especially important in the cleaning industry because of the potentially high turn over of staff that is somewhat traditional in this field. We...

Managing IT Projects Offshore

Today many organisations have decided to move their operations offshore to reduce costs and increase competitiveness. The cost savings offshore are considerable but the headline saving is only a small part of equation. Having spoken to many project managers over the past year it has become clear that the same issues are arising time and time again.

Top 2008 Home Job Locater

Millions of people are taking advantage of the opportunities afforded them, because the Internet. Where else can you get access to so many people for such a minimal costs? People are looking to work from home, yet many are unsure which ones to choose and how to start.