
When It Pays To Use Incentive Programs

Non-cash incentive programs and fringe benefits can have a powerful influence on attitudes, which should in turn improve results. You can give employees the greatest incentive program, but by impairing a sense of ownership in the organization. If you don’t know what kind of incentive programs to employ so as to motivate your people to work and increase productivity, here are some tips that you can use: 1. Sharing the shares. Use share schemes as an incentive progr...

Drive a tight agenda, don’t let it drive you

An effective agenda goes beyond start time, location, topics, and durations. Effective agendas do the following: support the meeting purpose, set the expectations of attendees as to what will be discussed, inform attendees of any preparation that will be required prior to the meeting, give the meeting leader a roadmap for driving the agenda, permit adequate time to cover each item, and allow the meeting leader to adjust the agenda easily if the meeting gets behind schedule. The meeting owner drives the agenda, not the other way around. There are times where you may have a concise meeting purpose and specific agenda items to address the meeting purpose, but the actual meeting deviates from the agenda.

Hermits Need Not Apply

Are you too shy to strike up conversations with other people? Hmm… What about email, surely sending someone an email isn’t terribly daunting, right? It is? Well, then you’re in the wrong business. Network marketing means just what it says. You are a network marketer. That means you need to network, and if you don’t do that most important thing, you’ll never succeed. Traffic exchanges are a good place to start honing the art of becoming a good mentor. In most exchanges, whe...