
Being An Executive Is Not Just A Look.

When I think of an executive I think of powerful looking man in a sharp suit making large business deals with international big-wigs. I think of bank accounts in the Carribean and 2nd homes in Italy. I think about the dark limousines and the power ties and golfing with the president or a powerful person in Congress. I think of Martini’s and big cigars and lawyers and secret memos. Why do I think all these things about being an executive? Well the movies of course and why n...

Basel II: Implications for Financial Service Provider

Efficient risk management, as outlined by Basel II, can be attained by leveraging information technology assets. The financial sector will, therefore, rely significantly on IT service providers to implement Basel II. Accordingly, the IT sector is required to provide a more coherent architecture for process automation and integration, and cost reduction mechanisms. This white paper highlights the role of an IT services provider in a successful Basel II implementation.

Work at Home Common Mistakes

Many people are having great success working from the comfort of their home while others fail miserably. Why is that? I am going to make an attempt to help everyone understand the reason for this. It has a lot to do with individuals, ego, patience, objectives and due diligence.

Risk Assessment In The Workplace. Part 3

Step 4. Record your findings. If you have less than 5 employees then you do not need to write anything down. Although you will find it useful to keep a written record of what you have done. If you have five or more employees, then you must put in writing the significant findings of your risk assessment. This means writing down the significant hazards and your conclusions. Examples might be something like: Electrical installations: insulation and earthing checked a...

Appraisals: Evaluating Procedures

An appraisal is an official document given by an appraiser that estimates the replacement value and quality of an item. An appraiser makes a report after examination and detailed analysis of the property. Types of Appraisals Drive by Appraisals: This is an abbreviated appraisal that requires less data and inspection by the appraiser. The data is generally collected verbally or from records. Professional Appraisals: Appraisals for personal property like estate tax, do...

Restaurant Scheduling For Success- From E-Book “How To Improve Dining Room Service”

This Tip will Help Maintain the Staff Schedule Keeping the Dining Room Service Staff Tight and Content which is Essential for Pleasing Paying Guests. Staff scheduling is closely tied to dining room customer service and crucial for keeping your staff tight, happy and well connected. In every way, a balance must be achieved by matching the dining room service labor needs to forecasted business. There should be a system whereby the staff shift availability days can be co...

Safety In The Home Workplace: The Best Environment

One of the most ignored aspects of working at home is safety. Business offices go to all sorts of lengths to avoid any injury or harm to their workers (they don't want to get sued, after all). Meanwhile, you might not even know that it's possible to injure yourself with nothing more than office equipment. If you're going to avoid a lot of pain in your future, you need to read up on home office safety now. Your Chair. The chances are that you're going to be sitting on yo...