
7 Key Strategies to Earn Customer Loyalty

The key of your business success is building customer loyalty. Holding on to existing customers is as important as soliciting new customers to keep feeding your list with fresh subscribers. Customer loyalty is the key to your business growth and profit. Because loyal customers generate a continual revenue stream through repeat purchases, they bring your business-increased profitability at a lower cost.

Branding Cures Several Marketing Headaches

Are you trying to attract business with a no-name, no-differences-from-competitors company identity? Branding your company, when done well, not only helps you stand out in a field of similar choices, it also helps you avoid price-shoppers and deliver results to customers that inspire loyalty. Here’s why. Headache #1: Competitors all seem the same Put yourself in the mindset of a customer and go shopping for a company that provides what you sell. Do all the options seem ...

Twelve Tips to Make ‘Moments of Truth” Count

If you care about your image in the marketplace, this article is for you. I don’t mean graphic image…I mean the impressions and perceptions people hold about you and your organization, based on how they’ve been treated or what they’ve heard about you from others. Building sustainable relationships with your target market is as much about actively attending to the market’s experience of your firm, as it is about other parts of marketing that are more obvious.

Bird by Bird

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by marketing. First, there’s so much to learn: What works? What’s a waste of your time? Where should you invest your energy and money? Then you have to prioritize: Where should you start? What’s the ONE THING that, if you don’t do anything else for a while, is your best first step?

The Wrong Time To Write A Press Release

Is there ever a wrong time to try to get free publicity for your company, product, or service? Oh, yeah. The "wrong" time isn't just about bad days of the week, like Monday morning, or bad times of the year, like Christmas Eve. The wrong time I'm referring to is more internal. Let's say you're almost finished with your web site. It will be up next week, and you're almost ready to start taking orders. Is that the time to send out a press release? After all, everyth...

Credit Repair Leads

The benefit of purchasing credit repair leads from an internet company is that the person that needs the credit repair came to a site and found an on line form to fill out specifically to acquire credit repair from a credit repair company.