
Document Shredding And Document Security: Protecting Your Vital Information

Document security and document shredding have never been more important before and are bound to impact our lives in a way that we just can’t imagine. If you see a proliferation of caro document shredding or Davison document shredding, or even curtis document shredding, you are witnessing the new wave of privacy protection. Document shredding, document security and what they mean to us is symptomatic of the world we occupy. The times that we live in today are new, wonderfu...

Managing Registrations And Payments For An Event

In a company of 25 people; putting on a marketing event and charging an entry fee could give the event administrator a severe headache. Patricia Thomson was in this position only last week. Her “normal” job of Marketing Assistant still had to run while she organized the seminars and she realized she could be handling hundreds of enquiries over the period. This was their first venture into this type of event and the company's accounts department was not really set up for a mas...

Cut Health Plan Costs By Cutting Out the Managed Care Middleman

Cutting out the managed care middleman and contracting directly with medical providers may seem like a drastic way to cut health plan costs. Yet for employers whipsawed by relentless cost increases, it may be the only solution that works. The profit-bloated managed care industry, with much to lose, has propagated many myths why this sensible approach won't work. This article debunks the myths about direct provider contracting and sheds light on this ingenious cost-containment strategy.

Entertain Your Staff For Larger Profits

Today’s employees, particularly those involved with corporate finance and other major business sectors, are leaning more towards corporate event management and corporate entertainment as a key source of contentment and happiness at work. This reflects the emergence of what has become defined as corporate culture - one that recognizes the need to keep staff happy through team games, special event days and other activities that help build camaraderie and teamwork. 1. Happy W...

Leveraging Six Sigma in IT

Service providers bring complementary knowledge, ideas, and business methodologies and enable outsourcing companies to concentrate on core competencies. It is difficult to leverage these benefits in the absence of a defined set of tools and techniques. Application of process improvement techniques like Six Sigma can help realize these benefits. This paper examines the application of Six Sigma to the IT services industry holistically.

Money In Reward And Recognition Systems

The role of money as a motivator is indisputable if you don't have enough. With bills to pay and mouths to feed, most hunter/gatherers will push themselves to get enough money into the bank account to remove those troublesome worries. However, once the threshold of comfort has been reached and there is a steady flow of money coming from a job that is well understood, can money be used as a further motivator? The answer is firmly in the realms of "it depends". It depends on...