
Who Needs Employee Motivation Anyway?

Knowing how to motivate those who work for you is something that everyone needs to learn if they want to be a success in any industry that they are in. The people that work for you and the ones that make your product and/or provide the services that you are selling so make sure that they enjoy what they do and they will do it that much better. Sounds pretty simple huh? Well, it is and you can learn these things in just a little bit of time. You would be surprised to see what ...

Multi-Channel Retail – Plan For Success

The maturation of multi-channel commerce More and more retailers are realizing the benefits of multi-channel retailing. Leveraging brand equity in multiple touchpoints has been proven to drive loyalty and interaction among consumers. With trends clearly showing the Internet as the core component to pre-purchase research, brick and mortar brands can ill-afford to take a wait and see approach as it relates to core multi-channel offerings. Three core enhancements must be e...

hemraj india

Hemraj Enterprises is leading Engineering Company supplying laboratory process equipment for R & D, pilot plants and industrial spray dryer. Our range includes Spray dryers in Glass and S.S. and Glass Reaction systems. vist our site http://www.hemrajindia.com

How To Use Sponsor Ads To Increase Website Traffic

How many times have you surfed the Internet and noticed that most e-zines and websites have advertisements posted all around its pages? Flashing ads that are popping up and blocking your view are often hard to get rid of. Even some search engines and directories carry sponsor ads. Sometimes those sponsor ads can get in the way, but sometimes the ad appears too tempting not to check. If it was not for those sponsor ads, you might not have realized a specific business or websit...

How To Test Your Sales Copy

You’ve got a website and it’s selling some copies of your product. You want to sell more, but how do you properly test the changes you make in order for you to know how you are improving your sales? Internet Marketers talk a lot about testing your sales copy and your website, but very few talk in detail about the methodology of this testing. It is very easy to get confused and undo the changes that were increasing sales! I remember when I was at school in my chemistry c...

10 myths about entering international markets

Here are 10 misconceptions by companies about entering overseas markets. 1 If we make a better mousetrap, they will buy it. The question here is, do you think that factor alone is the necessary and sufficient condition to sell overseas? If it was always about quality, then why doesn't everyone always buy the best product? 2 English is the universal language, so we can simply sell in English. This speaks to several issues: Does everyone in the client organization speak, r