
Non-Profit Strategic Planning

It is important to mention that it is the size of the organization matters more than for-profit or non-profit status in determining the objectives, steps and activities in the Strategic Planning process. Small non-profit and for-profit organizations have a similar manner of conducting business and planning activities that are different from larger non-profit and for-profit organizations.

Guess Who Ford Motor Just Quit Selling To…

One of the very hardest things for a marketer of any kind to accept is that not everyone will buy their product, no matter how great they think it is. And even if someone else believes it's fabulous too, that doesn't mean they'll buy. I play tennis not golf. So no matter how stunning the new clubs are that Tiger himself uses, I won't buy. I don't do golf. So you're better off to save your energy and find someone who DOES love golf. As obvious as this sounds, it's almost im...

12 Ways To Use E-learning For Customer Acquisition And Retention, Part 1

Customer acquisition and customer retention are important issues for any company today. A simple definition of "customer acquisition" is the process of acquiring or obtaining new customers, and/or converting prospects to customers. "Customer retention" is the process of keeping, sustaining, and/or growing the relationship your customers have with your company and its products and services. These activities become more involved for business-to-business, value-added, manufac...