
Understanding Financial Statements: The Balance Sheet

The balance sheet is important to business operations in general. It provides a snapshot of what the company owns and what they owe to outside sources. The balance sheet is also known as a profit and loss account. By either name, this special form of financial statement provides great insight into an organization’s holdings. Breaking Down the Balance Sheet To clarify, a balance sheet shows how much money the organization has, how much property they own, and most import...

Employee Performance Management

Fixation of compensation or wage rates for different categories of employees in a company is an important task of management. The employees are not only concerned with the wages received but also concerned with the level wages received by same level of employees in similar organizations. Hence wage structure may be considered very important. The relative wage-rules must be fixed carefully, because they have implications for promotion, transfer, seniority and other important personnel matters.

Outsourcing – Why You Should Consider It

When businesses talk about outsourcing or contracting out, they mean the delegation of jobs or operations that are important to the business to an external third party that specialize in that particular job or activity. This is often beneficial to businesses, both for the financial advantages it has and because the expertise of the third party may improve the quality of the overall operation. Find more info at http://www.outsource-today.info The third party involved wil...

Non-Profit Strategic Planning

It is important to mention that it is the size of the organization matters more than for-profit or non-profit status in determining the objectives, steps and activities in the Strategic Planning process. Small non-profit and for-profit organizations have a similar manner of conducting business and planning activities that are different from larger non-profit and for-profit organizations.