
Article Marketing: Marketing Made Easy

Is website traffic convertible to cash? The answer is yes. But that is not the right question every webmaster might want to dwell into, the right question is “How can my site get targeted traffic without me spending too much?” The answer to most webmasters, ezine operators question is very simple. There is a simple yet effective way of marketing your products and best thing is that it’s cheap if not free! Are you asking me what? My answer is also a question; do you kn...

Do You Have The Millionaire Mind?

Wow! I just finished reading T. Harv Eker’ s Secrets of the Millionaire Mind. I searched for the book and couldn’t find it in our bookstores, so I went to Amazon.com and got a copy. I was astounded when the book arrived–-in a dust jacket, signed by the author. OK. I’m an author and I sign a lot of books, but when I see signed books from other writers, I really treasure them. I have a whole shelf, but I digress. I really want you to know what a great book Secrets of the ...

Tips For A Successful Garage Sale

Everyone wants to throw a successful garage sale. However exactly what success means is different from person to person. This article is based on the idea that a successful garage sale does two things well. 1) makes you money 2) cleans out your house and yard. Below we provide you a collection of tips you can use to make sure you have a truly successful garage sale. You want customers to stick around and buy something, so one of the most important tips for a successful ga...

Characteristics of a True Sales Leader

In the average sales organization, successful sales reps get promoted to managers. These "new" sales managers are suddenly tasked with leadership and training. In these situations, there is one common liability. The salesperson's biggest strength now becomes the sales manager's biggest weakness in leading a team. Here are some steps to take to avoid sales leadership transitional mis-steps.