
Successful Organizational Leadership: Effective Execution through Strategic Alignment

Strategic alignment is the linkage between the goals of the business and the goals of each of the key contributors. The tighter the linkage and the better the alignment, the likelihood of flawless corporate execution becomes stronger. Strategic alignment has several advantages once implemented properly and practiced.

Choosing A Timetabling Software

Recently, I was asked for information about timetabling software. I don't feel I can recommend a particular product as each school will have different requirements, but I thought it would be worth discussing some of the issues involved in choosing software appropriate to your needs. I think the first consideration is ease of use for those who need to operate the system. The onscreen information should be user-friendly with clear instructions. You also need something that i...

The Path To Freelance Success: The Secret Is Knowing Where To Look

Would you like to break out of a regular job and start freelancing? Perhaps you've got the skills, but are not quite sure where to start looking for work, or how to deal with the business side of freelance work? If you have web design or development, graphic design, programming, writing or translation skills then you will find opportunities waiting for you, if you know where to look.

Storytelling For High Concept And High Touch

After hearing Daniel Pink speak about his new book A Whole New Mind: Moving from the Information Age to the Conceptual Age for the fourth time, I finally read it cover to cover (less than a day). I finally got what he's talking about when he says jobs that are high touch are here to stay. That is, jobs that builds relationships between business and client whether it's B2B or B2C. To that end, he advocates that we incorporate more storytelling into our relationships, that we m...

Are You Working Alone?

Remember co-workers? Those annoying people who you're forced to share an office with -- some of them friends, but most of them insufferable. If you're anything like me, one of reasons for starting a home business was to get away from these people. And yet, when you do work at home all day, every day, you might find that you start to miss that kind of companionship, and feel more than a little lonely. All Alone... Picture the scene. You get up for another day of work. Yo...

Six Sigma – Not Just For Manufacturing

Although the Six Sigma methodology originally started out as a way to improve processes and products in a manufacturing environment, today it has grown to encompass a broad range of industries. As companies begin to realize the benefits a total quality improvement cycle can have upon the organization they are adopting Six Sigma and its practices into their own fold. Organizations not only receive the quality benefit of Six Sigma in their products and processes, but also si...

Retail Management – Identifying Each Salesperson’s Lowest KPI Can Boost Sales By 30%

Stick with me here for minute – its not hard math. There are five retail KPI’s worth tracking at the individual Salesperson level: Sales per hour; items per sale; average sale; conversion rate; wage to sales ratio. If you add them all up (individually) and divide by the number of staff you get the ‘store average’ of each KPI. You can now compare each Salesperson’s five KPI’s to the ‘store average KPI’ instantly revealing the MOST deficient statistic or undersupplied ...