
What are MLM Leads

When you are starting up your own at home business, you will find that you need to have your business advertised and given the push that it needs to get off the ground. It is so important to make sure that you are getting the most of your home based business and MLM leads is just the thing to help you do just that.

What is People Management?

Your employees are the biggest asset you have. Their performance and attitude can result in the success or failure of your business. The most difficult part of any manager’s job is people management. He or she is required to lead, motivate, train, inspire, and encourage.

Why Flogging Dead Horses Stinks

Flogging a dead horse is a commonly used idiom here in the UK. If someone is trying to convince someone else to do or feel something without any hope of succeeding, we say they're flogging a dead horse. This is used when someone is trying to raise interest in an issue that no-one supports anymore; beating a dead horse will not make it do any more work. 1. Similarly, the tribal wisdom of the Dakota Indians, passed on from generation to generation, says that, "When you discover...

Health, Wealth, & How To Reach The World: Network vs. Access Marketing

Network Marketing is here to stay. Whether you believe it, or whether you believe IN it, you need to give yourself a reality check right now. The “corporate” way of doing business is soon going to go the way of the dinosaur. If you think that your present job, contract work, or other financial opportunities are going to pay your bills for the rest of your life, it’s time to realize that there is a new and better way of doing business, and that you need to get educated in the

3 High-Impact Fixes For Your Marketing Woes

How many times has your competitor gotten one over on you? The feeling of being left behind just eats away, until you do something about. The problem is that we often feel that we've got to come up with some grand plan in order to get our business skyrocketing again. Don't be fooled! Getting back on top of the market isn't as tough as it seems with these high-impact, easy-to-use fixes.

If I Were Starting A Network Marketing Company…

"If I were starting a Network Marketing company, I would say, what's a different group of people that want to hear a story about how to succeed with network selling? What words, phrases and images do I use to help them understand what it is I have to offer?" So opined our friend Seth Godin in an interview with John Fogg this past December (and thanks, gulliver, for bringing this comment to my attention.) Why a "different" group (than those we have now)? For one, too ...