
Flyer Delight

Flyers are effective and affordable promotional materials. Your flyer will serve as your business card so as much as possible include only the necessary information such as the product or service that you offer, your address and contact number among others.

Follow Up To Get Quality Event Feedback

"Well, how did it go?" asked the CEO as he wandered past Siobhan's desk on his weekly tour of the offices. He was referring to the conference Siobhan had organized and run to involve their industry in standardization guidelines. Although her first impression was that the conference was a real success, she knew that she only had a small proportion of the total feedback. "I'm still in the middle of collecting feedback data", admitted Siobhan, "but the initial data looks more po...

Restaurant Marketing Tips – Advertise Online For Free! Part 1

There were 11,820 searches for pizza restaurants in Chicago on Yahoo! in May, 2006. In Los Angeles there were 7,993 searches and in Detroit, 5,522. Identical searches occurred in nearly every major and not so major city in the U.S. And not just for pizza restaurants. Italian, Mexican, American, Chinese and just plain restaurants, all had their share of online searches. In short, there are a lot of people looking for good food online. The smart restaurants are positionin...

Frequency: Not the problem it once was

According to Entrepreneur.com, customers have to hear your message three times before they even think about buying, which makes frequency one of the most important activities of the dedicated business person. Often entrepreneurs achieve frequency through expensive ad campaigns. But while advertising is an important part of a business’s marketing strategy, there are less expensive, more personal ways that will increase frequency. And they’re easier than ever to implement. Below are some tips to get you started.

Google Profit Pump – The biggest Google loophole there is

AdWords is important, and PPC advertising in general is one of the fastest, easiest, most powerful ways to generate massive online profits quickly if you know what you're doing. But that's the problem. Unless you have somebody taking you by the hand and showing you how not to step on the land mines that can blow your legs off, you could end up losing your shirt and staring bankruptcy in the face. There are indeed AdWords strategies that can help you blow the doors off of Google's advertising vault, but what if there were another way? What if you could get scads of free traffic, not have to put money at risk or worry about how much clicks on your ads are costing you? That's what Google Profit Pump is about.