
New Website Marketing Made Easy

Often new website owners ask me how to get traffic to their new creation. Some have been known to stare at their computer in an attempt to will visitors to the site. The truth is, the Internet is evolving every second of every day. And with that, it becomes more difficult to establish a viable presence—or does it? Follow these easy steps and carve your slice of the cyber pie.

Marketing With A Custom Postcard

Custom postcards are often used for direct mail campaigns. The advantages are many. Custom postcards are cheaper to make and mail than traditional direct market brochures or letters. Custom postcards get a higher response rate than most other marketing methods. Potential customers are more likely to look at a custom postcard than a letter. In fact, there is no good reason not to try a custom postcard campaign for your next direct mailing.

Five Ways To Attract Attention At Your Next Exhibition

Attending an exhibition is still one of the best ways to get in front of thousands of potential customers in one go. Whilst your internet site might be accessible by people the world over, an exhibition is only attended by people who are interested in your sector and it’s an ideal opportunity to make your presence known. 1. Choose your space well If you leave it too late, all the best stand space has already gone. Book early and you can have your pick of the best spots ...

Researching or Ready to Buy: 7 Ways the Buying Cycle Impacts AdWords Advertisers

As any salesman will tell you, buyers typically move through stages of a predictable cycle when they make a purchase. This so called buying cycle has several important implications for anyone conducting pay per click (PPC) search marketing with Google AdWords. Read on to discover seven ways the buying cycle can be exploited by search marketers.

Get More Traffic Than You Can Use

Generating excess traffic to your website is the key being successful online. This however is very delicate and hot subject for internet marketers, especially when it comes to generating free traffic, which seems to be the ultimate goal of all online entrepreneurs. But I can assure you that most sources of free traffic do not come free

History of Infomercials

It all began in the 1980’s. Ronald Regan was president and one of the many controversial things he did in that office was to deregulate the TV industry. Why did he do it? Well, as a conservative Republican he lived and breathed by the “free market rule,” which stated that the government didn’t belong in business, and businesses should live and die by the success or failure of their own practices and market forces.