
How to Avoid Being Ripped Off By Fake Marketing Gurus

A marketing rip-off that makes me sick! If you are interested in learning how to better promote your business, there are hundreds of "gurus" out there ready and eager to RIP YOU OFF! These "con artists" are savvy, slick, and highly skilled in the area of emptying your wallet! Fortunately, with a bit of education, you can avoid being their next victim.

Making The Most Of Your Direct Selling Holiday Season

The holidays are fast upon us and as work at home moms we know how it feels to have just one more thing to think about! Meant to be a time of excitement, joy, memories and fun, often the holidays drive the home based business mom over the edge and into the land of stress and craziness. But you, Direct Sales Mom, have what many of those stressed out moms need this time of the year. You have the gift of GIFTS! Without having to battle the lines at Kohl's or the mall, moms ca...

Long Copy Sucks And Other Heresies

I recently finished a massive study of profitable and unprofitable sites. The average length of the profitable site's sales letter was 1.8 pages. The average length of the unprofitable site's sales letter was 2 pages. Shorter ad copy was more profitable on average than long copy. Of course that is heresy. Many, many famous copywriters swear by long copy. Still… the study was valid and it is a fact… known profitable sites had shorter copy than known less profitable sites...

Keeping Your Customers Through Loyalty Marketing

What exactly is the best-kept secret behind incredibly successful businesses? Is it keeping up with the trends? Having an excellent workforce that will make sure your company is working in tip top shape? Or having a loyal client base who will not only keep on going back to you whenever they need your products or services? Loyal clients are also the ones who will help your company get more attention from other people through good word of mouth. This is why a lot of success...

Online Flower Concerns

Let me put it straight for you not to be absorbed by the number of useless words :-) There has been many articles and recommendations for choosing the right shop. This text covers the points that nobody's emphasized. 1 One reason shops. Believe me, in the growing flowers market, a florist should be at least inventive to meet the customer requirements. What do we face here on the area of x-USSR? We state that we reach difficult areas and that's true. We’ve been reachin...

Need To Get Noticed? Do Something Crraazy!

Does your business need a boost? Do you feel like you're just not getting the attention you deserve? Or, do you just want people to recognize your name? No matter your reasons for wanting more exposure, doing something wacky in front of other people will always get the job done. People may think you're funny, creative, desperate, or one brick short of a full load. But hey, no matter what people think of you, you're sure to get some attention, and that's where success begin...