
Interesting Preliminary Results On Headlines

Soon, I’ll do a large study on headlines using a list of profitable and unprofitable sites. However, I have been running some split tests and have seen some interesting results in the last week or so. The sample size is small (3 sites), but all three split tests agreed on the following factors: 1. Blue (#000080) is winning over black by a small margin on all three sites. I hadn’t expected that. I use dark blue just because I like it and the large study showed that any dark...

Marketing Success – How to get over that first hill and start making some real money!

If you’re like a lot of newbie marketers you have heaps of great marketing ideas all the time. Problem is they just seem to fade into nothing without you ever doing a thing about them, Am I right? After a week you have forgotten all about that great new idea or you have that lingering annoying thought in your mind that you have let another great idea turn into nothing. I mean, who knows if they’re actually great ideas to start with, but the problem is you will never know. Here are a few tips that will help you get over that hill and finally start putting your ideas into action.

Four Tips For Choosing A Website Marketing Company

If you have decided to look for a marketing company for your website, you will need to know a few things on how to go about choosing one. I hope that you will not just wildly look around and decide to go with the first one you find. It isn’t the best approach for you or your website. Here are some suggestions on find a good marketing firm that might help you market your site successfully in the end. First, you must decide how much you want to spend on the site. Be realisti...

Raise Your Elevator Speech To The Top Floor With Powerful Emotions

If your elevator speech sparks a buyer's curiosity, it's only doing half the job. Your elevator speech should not only spark curiosity but also awaken powerful emotions. Small business owners can learn success from the Madison Avenue and branding experts about how to design advertisements and messages that drive consumers to feel and act upon their emotions. While networking with other business leaders, I'm often surprised at how few utilize these techniques to their advan...

Prospect of China’s future economy growth

China will become the world’s safest and largest investment economy in times to come given the following factors: huge market potential, rich labour resources, comparative advantage in labour cost, sound corporate governance and stable government and society. All these factors will further attract the inflow of foreign capital into China. In short, China’s economy will grow even faster in the future.

How I Extract The Maximum Out Of Google Adsense

Below are some tips and secrets I would like to reaveal to you, how to optimize your pages to make them more Adsense-friendly. Note that these tips deal with ad delivery rather than ad formatting or placement. While ad formatting and placement may affect ad click-through rates, they have nothing to do with the delivery of relevant ads to your site. Your site must display relevant ads before they have any chance of being clicked on.

How To Make Prospecting And Selling Easy!

Most people starting a business forget about the most important part. They spend loads of time picking just the right product or service to sell. They'll carefully weight the best kinds of office equipment to buy. They'll even fuss endlessly over their workplace decor. But none of that holds a candle to what is most assuredly the core of any new business: you can't succeed until you master prospecting and selling! "But I'm really good at what I do. Won't word just get o...