
Postcards I like!

Ever since I was a kid, I am fascinated by eye-popping photographs and images. Every time I see a beautiful picture I keep it. At first it was only a fetish, a habit but later on became an obsession. If you have a chance to go to my home, you will discover that compilations made it look like a giant shelf of pictures.

Personalizing Autoresponders

Have you ever walked into a store in your town, and been addressed by name? This has probably happened to you at stores that you frequent often. The shop owner knows your name, and uses it. He remembers you, and he wants you to know that he cared enough about you and your business to remember you. In the offline world, this is just one aspect of customer support. Customer service like this is almost impossible to achieve on the Internet, but some semblance of it can exist ...

Turn Online Window Shoppers into Customers

If you stand in front of a store on a slow Sunday afternoon, you will notice the same thing happening over and over again. People will pass by and carefully examine the wares in prominently displayed in the windows. Perhaps they will mumble something about the items on display. They will not even step into the store. These people are not customers. Rather, they are just window shoppers. On this particular Sunday they are looking, but certainly not buying.

B2B Directory

A B2B directory is fundamentally different from a search engine, even though it also presents a list of links to a certain topic. Search engines look for sites on the whole B2B based on the keywords one has entered, whereas a B2B directory has a set amount of links, usually entered by the owners of the corresponding site, which are sorted according to topic, usually not more than one or two per site, and always referencing the whole site, not simply subpages of it.