
Artwork for Label Printing

If you are just getting involved with label printing or are considering outsourcing your label printing needs to a professional, you have probably already encountered a few industry-specific terms with which you may not be entirely familiar. One such term is “artwork.” Artwork is completely unrelated to your favorite museum pieces and does not necessarily refer to “graphical” elements, either. Let us look at what artwork for label printing is all about.

The Most Powerful Word In Marketing

It isn't "free". It isn't "you". It isn't anything you might imagine. So what the heck is the most powerful word in marketing? Because what I'm about to reveal to you is so important, I want to ask you to do something a bit out of the ordinary to set the stage. Whether you're sitting or standing, lift your right foot off the ground about two inches and hold it there for a count of three. Did you do this? If not, I really want you to take a few seconds to do it...

5 Keys to Choosing Plate Roll Machines

Between diminishing factory orders and increasing labor and energy costs, companies that use plate metal in their fabricating processes are finding their profit margins increasingly pinched. Yet, manufacturers must still invest in new production equipment -- whether to replace obsolete equipment or to take advantage of new business opportunities -- in order to remain competitive.