
Merchants Earn More After Affiliate Marketing

An attraction of affiliate marketing is the savings that the merchant will gain when he no longer conducts his own advertising and publicity. Some merchants, who already have a well-established affiliate marketing program, no longer bother to conduct any activity that will lead to more sales. Such may not impair the current sales of the online business, but it failed to tap into another avenue of selling that can increase the revenue of the online business. Thus, the merch...

Marketing With Website Audio

About 80% of all visitors to your website are using computers that are capable of using both audio and video presentations. You could use audio in your marketing by adding a button that allows website visitors to hear your actual voice along with your photo. You can demonstrate your passion for your product, service or your money back guarantee through your voice. Potential customers will feel that their experience has been more personable. This allows them to feel more comfortable with you

Marketing in a Mobile Age: Trucks Add Fuel to Advertising

In summary, whether businesses are large or small, local or national, they have one thing in common: the need to promote a product or service to consumers. Truck-side ads are an affordable and effective alternative.“Today’s marketing must engage the consumer,” offers Sage, “With the average American being exposed to over 600,000 media messages a year, any medium that pushes through the clutter is impressive and that’s just what this one does.”

Fundraising: Art, Skill And Work

If you have attended school in the last 50 years, you are well acquainted with the word “fundraiser”. It would seem in this age of corporate sponsorship, advertising, and community involvement, fundraising would not be the difficult process that it is. But this is not so. Fundraising is big business, and requires much skill on the part of the organizer. Occasionally, you are involved with a fundraising event, and everything seems to flow as if it were an everyday occurrence. ...

Getting The Most From Attending A Trade Show

Trade shows can be an excellent opportunity for you and your business, whether you are an entrepreneur or you’re representing the company you work for. Thousands of people set up trade show booths and trade show displays across the country at a huge variety of industry events. However, many people don’t know how to take advantage of the opportunities a trade show offers. Some plan on simply attending, setting up their trade show booth, and then staying there all day hoping to...

How to Up-Sell Change

As Freud cautioned, it's insanity to keep doing the same thing and expect different results. You know things have to change. Business as usual is a guarantee to fail. Your boss supports you, but is fairly lukewarm about resources and time commitments. Your staff agrees but then claim they are too busy. Activity traps, inertia, disinterest, ambivalence, fear… people fabricate (consciously or unconsciously) lots of reasons to avoid making change. This is a frequent organizational dilemma: a needed change stalls before you even get started.