
Thinking of selling your company?

Making the decision to sell your company is a tough one. However, when you decide to do so, make sure it’s a priority in your life. A common mistake is when a seller starts the marketing process and it’s not a priority, it’s becomes obvious to buyers. Unlike a residential real estate transaction, there are only a limited number of buyers for any business. If a buyer walks, many times they will not come back.

These million-dollar-a-year fat cats, know squat about their customers!

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Office Max Uncovered

OfficeMax operates nearly 1,000 superstores throughout America including Puerto Rico and the United States Virgin Islands, in addition to several others in Mexico. Besides offering office products, business machines and related items, OfficeMax superstores also feature their CopyMax and FurnitureMax departments which are what the company refers to as convenient store-within-a-store sections of their operation. They also provide two national call centers for any questions you might have about the products they market and sell, in addition to 19 delivery centers throughout their various store locations.

The Thick Line Between Buddy And Boss

Q: One of my key employees is giving me trouble. He has started showing up late for work and has developed a bad attitude in general. The rest of my employees are complaining since they are having to take up his slack. I've tried talking to him, but he doesn't seem to listen. To make matters worse, he has become one of my best friends since I hired him five years ago, so firing him is out of the question. What can I do? -- Allen B. A: One reason I am so qualified to disp...