
Top 7 Finder’s Fees Tips

Consider the lucrative opportunity open to you in earning finder's fees. A finder is someone who finds something for a person or business. The amount paid for this service is called a finder's fee. Here are seven tips to help you make your fortune in finder's fees. 1. A finder simply introduces a buyer to a seller for a fee. He does not become involved in the sales process and is not an agent acting on behalf of the seller. 2. The best areas to earn finder's f...

Original Ways To Make Money With No Money-a Short Education

An opportunity should never be bought into. By definition, an opportunity is something that people will never sell you. From franchises to swamp land in Florida, to patents and inventions, it makes no difference. Theres nothing wrong with any of the things mentioned, however if somebody is trying to sell you these things, then they are not opportunities by definition. An opportunity is an advantage that you can see that others cannot. I dont care about the dictionary defi...