
Office Cleaning – Advice For The Cleaning Company

For contract cleaning companies office cleaning is the most competitive market to break into. Some organisations change their cleaners on a regular basis, every year or some even every six months because they cannot find a company that will consistently meet their requirements. What we find is that these companies do not have a clear indication of what is expected from the clean. After some time they complain that standards have fallen. This phrase ‘standards have fallen’ ...

The Truth Behind Linear Selling : Why It Can Make Prospects Run The Other Way

Rather than asking prospects overtly what their decision making process is, use softer language that they can understand from their perspective. Don't probe or "fish" for prospects' "pain" as part of your sales process. Prospects have learned through long experience that the appearance of caring is usually a verbal ploy designed to move the sale forward according to the salesperson's agenda.

Sell Air, Become a Millionaire

One of the easiest ways to earning a large income is by selling information that is in high demand on the internet. In other words, you're selling air and getting pure profit for it! Spend more time doing the things you want to do instead of going to work all the time.