
How Alan’s Website Could Easily Make More Money

My Australian friend, Alan, recently got in touch for advice on how to make more money from his recently set up website. Alan is into natural health treatments, so his simplehealthmaintenance.com website is one that offers natural solutions to health problems. Alan asked for my advice as to how to monetize the site, knowing that I have had success with Google Adsense. Just two simple changes could have a real impact on Alan's website traffic and hence his income ...

Do People Know Exactly What Event Management and Event Marketing Is

Event management starts well before the day of the event and requires much follow up work afterwards like requiring planning, marketing, invitee registration, confirmations and reminders must be very well thought out, and carried out, prior to your event. If all this is well done step by step, your event management company will be successful.

How important are your employees?

Most businesses invest in marketing and advertising each month but overlook another vital investment that they are already making. That investment is their employees. I've said before that your employees can make or break your company, and recently I ran into a very poinient example of that fact.

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