
Marketing Strategies: 3 Mistakes To Watch Out For When Asked, “So What Do You Do?”

OK, so you’re standing in line in the supermarket, or you’re in an elevator, or you’re at a party, or you’re in a networking group. Sooner or later, someone is going to say to you, “So what do you do?”. This is what you want, free publicity so to speak. However, how you handle this question could determine whether this person becomes a prospective client, a prospective referral source or just walks away. This article exposes the 3 mistakes you could be making and why they ...

Hand Pallet Trucks

Pallet trucks are for moving pallets from one place to another. Pallet trucks not only make transportation of pallets easier but also ease loading and unloading while ensuring utmost safety. They can minimize time of transport considerably. Since the pallets can be rather heavy, pallet trucks need to be very strong and functional. Pallet trucks are generally used in industries like chemical and pharmaceutical factories, warehouses, food storage industries, retail stores, and others. Most pallet trucks can move loads of around 4,000 lbs.

Gun Control Is Not Constitutional

On October 18th [2000], a Texas jury found San Angelo physician Timothy Joe Emerson not guilty of aggravated assault and child endangerment. In August 1998 his wife, who became involved in an adulterous affair with another man, had filed for divorce and applied for a temporary restraining order barring Dr. Emerson from, among other things, threatening or attacking her during the divorce proceedings. A few days later at a hearing, Mrs. Emerson claimed that her husband had threatened during a tele

How To Prepare Surfaces For Asset Tags And Asset Labels On Computers & It Equipment

In past articles we have talked about what asset labels or asset tags are and who should be using them. This article is designed to show people the best method of applying asset labels or asset tags. Failure to follow these instructions could mean that the labels will not work as expected. The most important element of applying any kind of security adhesive based identification device is the cleanliness of the surface. The surface needs to be free of dirt and especially...

Finding a Call Center Job

This article was written to educate people or help those who are seeking a job in the call center. Following the above on tips on how to a call center job will definitely help you in stepping in to the job world and will assist you in beginning a call center career.

The Internet Structural Engineer

The worlds biggest companies are making the same mistake as the worlds smallest. The worlds most accomplished web design companies are making the same mistake as the worlds smallest. What is going on! An Internet expert explains how we could all do a lot better, logic is sometimes missed in the simplest of arguments.....read more

How To Make “Fast Money” Online

Do you worry about your personal expenses? Are you having difficulty financing different things? What if someone offers you an opportunity to earn money in just a snap of a finger? Everybody would love to earn money without exerting too much effort. For some people, the internet is just a bunch of technology maniacs. But this is absoluteley wrong. The internet produced more millionaires in the past decade than any other industry. Only few internet millionaires are k...