
Coal Makes a Comeback

The United States is returning to coal to generate electricity. Long-dormant mines are being reopened to gather coal, which generates most of the electricity in the country. Why is coal once again such an important resource?

The Best Way To Save Money On Advertising – Target Locally

Over the years I have discovered exactly what derails an ad. More often than not, when an ad fails to produce results, the problem isn't with the ad. The problem is with WHO the ad reaches. Before you start blaming lack of response on your ad, stop a moment to consider who it is TARGETED to. Let's take a moment to look at Internet advertising. First off, let me say I dearly love advertising on the Net. The advertising rates for search engines and ezines are far, far low...

The Indisputable Power Of Focus

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by all the projects you have on your plate? I'm sure you have. We ALL have. But, if you want to seriously grow your business, you need to learn to focus your efforts. A lot of folks don't. And usually, they never GET anywhere because they're spreading themselves too thin. That's a one-way ticket to frustration and confusion. There are a lot of ways to make moneee online. You can write an ebook (or better yet... outsource the darn ...

How to Make over a 1000.00 a Week Selling Custom T-Shirts

It is ironic that the best screen printers don’t normally make the most money selling T-shirts. If you look in the classified section of your local newspaper on any given day you will find a screen-printing company up for sale. It seems like everyone thinks they will make lots of money printing custom t-shirt but very few people actually make it big. Most people will buys some equipment and learn how to print all kinds of cool designs. Where most people fall short is not getting out and marketing their services correctly or even at all.

Can A Reward Be A Sin?

To be motivational, reward and recognition must be appropriate in the eye of the receiver. Tickets for the big game are fine if you enjoy sport. If you don't enjoy sport but you would like the value of the tickets to spend on something else instead, your reward just turned into another task; selling the tickets. Although they may be easy to sell on to someone else, the motivational edge has been diminished slightly. The following is a bit like the health warning on a pack ...