
The Space Industry in Russia

The recent (December 2005) spate of news about Russia's space program was decidedly mixed. According to Space News, the 17-country European Space Agency (ESA) declined to participate in Russia's $60 million, two-year Clipper manned and winged space vehicle program, a touted alternative to NASA's Crew Exploration Vehicle.

The Right Restaurant Supplier Can Make All the Difference

Last month, I opened my third restaurant in twelve years. Anyone who knows anything about the restaurant business will tell you that success of that nature isn't easy to come by. I started out with a small diner on a not so busy intersection. By offering impeccable service, great food and a friendly decor, I have been able to expand my business to include additional eateries in higher traffic locations while maintaining a healthy profit margin.

My Improbable Evolution Into a Passionate eBayer

It all began innocently enough. I had an acquaintance that had a knack for spotting valuable things at thrift stores, yard sales, swap meets and the like, a trait I regarded highly. Our biggest commonality was that we were both songwriters and musicians, and John had an outstanding assortment of music, books, artwork, furniture, etc., despite his absolute disregard for all of the assorted occupations that necessitated an education or a tie.

Multilevel Marketing

multilevel marketing (MLM), or network marketing, as it's sometimes called. You know the concept. It's what made Amway a household name. For that matter, it was MLM that propelled both Herbalife International and, more recently, Equinox International to the top spot on the Inc. 500 list.

The Power of a Pen

Every leader, supervisor, coach, team member and parent has been told of the value of giving positive feedback. If you want to give positive feedback, consider doing more than telling people how you feel, start writing it down.