
Keeping Customers Loyal

It's a well-known fact that it costs many times more to acquire a new customer than to keep doing business with your existing ones. For this reason, the best way to become profitable is to have loyal customers who keep coming back again and again. It's all about relationship building. So what can you do? Customers Aren't as Loyal as They Used to Be. It used to be that customers would find one service that met their needs and stay with it for absolutely years. Now, thoug...

Joint Ventures in Real Estate

Many real estate success stories happen in joint ventures. Joint ventures are two or more people partnering up to invest in properties. Joint ventures in real estate can offer you the ability to obtain properties you once thought were not in your budget. Joint ventures also give you many different investing view points from other investors.

Why Your Leads Aren’t Working – And What You Can Do About It Now

You placed ads all over Google, you bought leads by the thousands from a service, you even had a sales letter sent to a big opt-in list. Then you couldn't believe it when nothing much happened. Your site probably got a LOT of hits, but nobody bought anything. How could that happen? Experts have been arguing over that one for years. If you had that experience, you're not alone. Adsense, opt-in, and purchased leads often deliver poor results. Why? Most often the reason is...