
Infomercial Creation: Design To Sell

In infomercial creation, there are a number of different options available to you. You can hire someone to do the work for you or you can do it yourself. There is much to consider about this process so taking the time to plan and execute each step of it will help you to better achieve the results that you are looking for. For many, infomercial creation is the beginning of selling their product effectively. Why should you hire a team to handle your infomercial creation? Her...

Top credit mistakes

Today, I will be posting some of the most common credit card mistakes, people make. These mistakes may go un-noticed or often ignored, but they do leave marks on your credit report.

Tracking For Profits

If you can't track it, don't do it. Every high-performance venture needs a tracking system. A tracking system with well-designed metrics lets everyone know how well they are doing relative to their commitments. It is a guide to whether additional or extraordinary actions need to be taken. It is one of the first things I set up with my business coaching clients because without a clear set of objective metrics it is hard for people to be clear about their results. Esta...


The limited liability company, or LLC, is a new concept for businesspeople in the United States. Internationally, LLC's are fairly common. However, investors, employees, and lawmakers aren't always quick to warm up to such a structure in America. Let's clear up some of the misunderstandings and confusion about LLC's and hopefully we can figure out what an LLC is all about in the process! Here are frequently asked questions about the topic; chances are you've stumbled upon the same ones in your own thought process.