
How to Be a Persuasive Speaker

In an idyllic world, speech is the tool to give expression to your thoughts. In a professional world, speech is a tool to make others act the way you want. By logical extension, speech is a tool of power, a double-edged sword that can win a battle but can also hurt the wielder if used without skill. It is extremely necessary to learn how to make skillful use of speech and make a persuasive presentation. Whether in a court-battle, or in a sales transaction, the same principles hold true.

Maintaining your Success

Life is like a roller coaster because we experience highs and lows on a regular basis either from our personal life or professional life. If you are successful in your professional life then you will need to maintain your success to reach an even higher level of success. You should ask yourself what you have done to achieve you success.

Do and Give More Than Is Expected of You

When I was 18 years old I spent three months working as a garbage man in Detroit. It was one of the more interesting experiences of my life. I had taken the job out of necessity because I had the good fortune of being cut off from any spending money by my parents. Facing my first year of college in a few months, I wanted to make sure that I had money for my books and other expenses.

Working in a Team Environment

Do you consider yourself a team player? Do you work alone often and very rarely seek help or give advice to others? Many people prefer working alone and thus they never gain any additional knowledge from the experience of others. When you work in a team environment you have the opportunity to learn and help others. Therefore you will accomplish more.

Quora – Is the Knowledge Crowdsourcing Website the Next Big Thing?

Quora is a social networking website with a difference. It is a combination of Wikipedia and Facebook. The website allows people to post questions on any topic and get answers from the experts in that field. Till recently it was mostly used by people in the IT field, especially those in Silicon Valley. So it became more of a networking forum and a way to increase one's own visibility among potential venture capitalists for startups. For some users, the site is a way to highlight their resume by giving out detailed answers to show their skills.