
Work and Preparation Equal Success and Confidence

You have decided to start your own business on the internet. The first question is what do I do? What kind of service do I offer or what product do I sell. What field are you knowledgable in? What do you have to offer others? Am I qualified to help others? Most everyone has the knowledge and ability to help others. The problem is that most do not have the confidence to share that knowledge. We question ourselves and the abilities that we possess.

It’s All Up To You

Well, folks, we've made it to the end of the year and what a ride it has been. 2005 was a great year for me personally and professionally. I saw my business grow almost as fast as my kids. Both gave me great joy and just enough trouble to keep me on my toes. I heard from people this year who were making tremendous progress building their eBay and online businesses and I heard from others who were just getting started. I heard from people who were thriving and I heard f...