
Process Change? Think ISO 9000!

In their haste to implement changes, a few businesses fail to consider ISO 9000. They think that it is a technical standard to be reckoned with and that only certain industries must comply. But for the knowledgeable, the Switzerland-based International Standards Organization must occupy a distinguished place in company policy and strategy, especially when those strategies involve process changes.

Why Predict The Future?

Do you ever try to predict the future? Are you usually right, or wrong? If so, then read on. Can you predict the future of your industry? Can you predict the future of your business? No one can say with certainty what will happen next week much less one year from now. And five years? Not a chance. Yogi Berra reportedly said, "It's hard to make predictions, especially about the future." Everyone agrees. Predicting the future is hard. It is so hard that a fifty percen...