
Quora – Is the Knowledge Crowdsourcing Website the Next Big Thing?

Quora is a social networking website with a difference. It is a combination of Wikipedia and Facebook. The website allows people to post questions on any topic and get answers from the experts in that field. Till recently it was mostly used by people in the IT field, especially those in Silicon Valley. So it became more of a networking forum and a way to increase one's own visibility among potential venture capitalists for startups. For some users, the site is a way to highlight their resume by giving out detailed answers to show their skills.

Ways NOT to get fired

You have the job of your dreams, now you must keep it. There are ways to help keep your job so you are not back on Hound looking for another career or job. Obviously behaving well is a good start, but there is more to be done than just behaving well at your job. Never steal from work, never lie to customers or clients and never get into physical altercations with your fellow employees.

How to Have Success at Your New Job

Starting a new job can be very overwhelming at times. Between learning the ins and outs of your new surroundings, and not to mention your new duties, the first few weeks can be a stressful time. However, the following tips may help you ease into your new responsibilities, and with a little luck, you'll find success at your new job in no time!

Resigning from Your Job: Leaving on a Good Note

You landed a great new job, and now the only thing standing in the way of your new position is your old one! Resigning from a job can be a task that is sometimes a bit awkward, but it's something that has to be done. The key is to do it, and get it over with, but to do it with dignity. Before you go marching into your employer's office to tell them you're outta there, read on.