
Material Requirements Planning (MRP)

Material requirements planning (MRP) is a computer-based inventory management system designed to assist production managers in scheduling and placing orders for dependent demand items. Dependent demand items are components of finished goods such as raw materials, component parts, and subassemblies for which the amount of inventory needed depends on the level of production of the final product. For example, in a plant that manufactured bicycles, dependent demand inventory items might include aluminum, tires, seats, and derailleurs.

The Future Of Fundraising – Fundraising Software

Fundraising has indeed come a long way from the good old days where people just set up long table among school yards or a vacant lot and kept track of profits using a plastic calculator or notebook and pen. Nowadays, the sucess of a fundraising event can be accurately recorded using software. 1. Tech-Savvy Fundraising Fortunately, fundraising has become a lot more tech-savvy because various internet sites cater to those who are into setting up fundraising activities fo...

Eine neuer Startup

Vor wenigen Wochen wurde wieder ein neuer Startup online veröffentlicht. Der Online Service heißt foodJoker und kümmert sich um die Restaurantbranche. Das sagen sich viele gleich, "na, einer von vielen", aber bei foodJoker ist es anders.

How to Bank Offshore

First of all, we have to define what offshore banking is: Offshore Banking is having a bank account in a country where you are not a resident. Normally this would be in a tax haven (a country that has low taxes or no taxation). Because of the word “offshore” you would think that only remote islands are offering this type of banking.