
Please Don’t Buy Anything From Me

This has been an interesting week. My company has thousands of customers around the world, so my team and I are used to dealing with customer support issues and do everything possible to make sure every customer gets exactly what they paid for. And 99.999% of the time our customers are extremely happy. Then there is that other .001%... This week I had one customer threaten to hunt be down and shoot me like a dog. Another said that if she could get her hands ar...

Mortgage essentials: a few facts about mortgage loans

A mortgage can be regarded as a type of loan which is guaranteed by the property purchased by an individual. A typical mortgage deal is based on the opportunity of the lender (the party providing the money for a home purchase) to sell the house in case the debtor is unable to pay off his mortgage loan. Basically, a mortgage can be viewed as a housing loan, which is probably the fastest way to buy a house nowadays.

Plan Your Propsal And You Plan To Win

Proposal planning is essential to ensure that you have time to develop, write and produce a well though-out solution to the client’s requirement. Everyone who has written proposals regularly has occasionally wished that they had planned better, started earlier and various occasions stayed late trying to deal with an unsatisfactory and unfinished proposal. Think of proposals as small projects – develop a plan. Think about all the relevant issues you must cover - how to meet...

Why Corporations Need To Care About The Commute

You would think corporations have enough to concern themselves about without also taking on the commute of their employees. How far someone lives from work should certainly be his or her own concern, shouldn’t it? Or should it? Over the years, studies and interviews have shown that the long distance commute has had adverse effects on the worker and work production. After 40 or 50 minutes on the road, the need to resist a break to relax and recoup is strong. Some people eve...

The Meeting Planner’s Online Advantage: Automate These 7 Things To Increase Attendence By 27%

Seven Ways to Increase Event Attendance by 27% RIGHT NOW with a Fully-automated System: 1. Send email invitations along with snail mail. Due to the costs and hassles of mail, increasing invitation frequency is not economical. With broadcast email you can schedule perfectly timed invitations to go out in sequence. Giving you more opportunity to attract registrants. An automated system automatically emails your registrants whenever you want it to. 2. Receive commitments ...

Material Requirements Planning (MRP)

Material requirements planning (MRP) is a computer-based inventory management system designed to assist production managers in scheduling and placing orders for dependent demand items. Dependent demand items are components of finished goods such as raw materials, component parts, and subassemblies for which the amount of inventory needed depends on the level of production of the final product. For example, in a plant that manufactured bicycles, dependent demand inventory items might include aluminum, tires, seats, and derailleurs.