
Why You Should Work Weekends and Holidays

I cannot tell you how many people have ruined their careers by having the wrong attitude when it comes to working weekends and holidays. Although you may consider your work just a job, if you send this message to your superiors, you will be in trouble quickly. In order to really thrive in most jobs your work must be far, far more important to you than just a job. There is no better way to let your superiors know how important your work is to you than by working weekends and holidays. To get ahead, you must do this. You do not need to work every weekend and holiday. However, you should not make a major effort to avoid working during these times.

Why the Best Executives are So Highly Paid

The higher I have risen in my career, the more criticism and the more obstacles I have faced. In today's world, if you lay off an employee, fire someone, or make any other potential decision that upsets people, you will face incredible scrutiny. Former employees will go on blogs and criticize you and your leadership style. You will be attacked by many people. This is something that has happened to every leader and every organizer throughout the ages. The leaders of companies, organizations, and religions are subject to incredible criticism and attacks by virtue of the position they are in. In some countries, the leaders are assassinated. Anyone who organizes groups of men and women, whether it is a country, a religion, or a company, will face criticism and pressures that the average working man and woman simply do not face.

The Objective Section in Your Resume

In order to craft an effective resume for yourself, there are several factors that you need to keep in mind. But one of the first and foremost things to remember is that simply listing your credentials will in no way get you to the interview. You need to present your information intelligently, demonstrate your caliber through proper wording and design, and work very hard to make an impactful beginning.

It’s Time to Embrace Concealed Unemployment

Being jobless is one of the worst experiences for those who are conditioned to work as employees or in situations where a job is a better option than self-employment. With the end of the economic recession almost nowhere in sight, the long-term jobless face aggravated rejection and chances to slide into depression. That, of course, is not going to help anybody, least of all, those who have the misfortune to be jobless.

A ‘Survival Job’ Is the Newest Job Option

The latest buzzword added to the jobseeker's vocabulary this recession is a ''survival job.'' In a market of jobseekers increasingly conscious and concerned about personal career objectives, any job that is disconnected from personal career goals and accepted out of need is a ''survival job.'' That includes all part-time or full-time work you engage yourself in, but without any hope of realizing your personal career or potentials.