
So you want to become a Florist? The Pro and Cons of Flower Shops and Florists

You've always liked flowers and you think the idea of turning emotions into floral expressions sounds like tremendous fun. You are between careers and have been investigating business opportunities in your community. Yesterday, while perusing a business for sale paper in your local town, you notice that a family owned flower shop is up for sale. The ad says it's a turnkey operation. This is your lucky day. Or is it?

Tips For Avoiding Malpractice

Malpractice has been in the news lately because of the rising costs in malpractice insurance for doctors. Some doctors have even had to close their practices due to this issue. For doctors trying to make it without running into malpractice problems it can be frustrating. However, there are some methods that can help to prevent malpractice problems. Many doctors follow a process called SOAP. This process outlines simple steps to ensure the patient is fully aware of their si...

Should you trust your analyst? (Part III)

The first stage of most decision making in business is gathering data. In most cases the information is collected in the form of words. Once the words are available, the professionals who gather the data perform an analysis of these words, and present the results to the decision maker. Recent scientific research shows that these professionals, most frequently, fail in their analysis of qualitative data. The article includes evidence from a recent scientific study.

Office Cleaning – Advice For The Cleaning Company

For contract cleaning companies office cleaning is the most competitive market to break into. Some organisations change their cleaners on a regular basis, every year or some even every six months because they cannot find a company that will consistently meet their requirements. What we find is that these companies do not have a clear indication of what is expected from the clean. After some time they complain that standards have fallen. This phrase ‘standards have fallen’ ...