
Self-Publish Your Book With National Distribution

Many writers struggle with constant rejection from the publishing world. A rejection, though a part of the industry, is difficult for writers at any stage in their career. You pour your heart and soul into a book, along with hours of work, only to hear a publisher indicate that it isn’t what they are looking for at this particular time. Many books that were otherwise snubbed by traditional publishing houses have gone on to be very popular. How? It’s simple. Self-publishing is...

Why open up a retail store?

Retailing is growing and growing fast. As one of the nation's largest sectors, the retail industry provides a wealth of opportunity to people who have the desire to forge their own path to success. One-third of the 500,000 or so new businesses created each year are retail businesses. The entrepreneurs risk their hard earned capital, dedicate their resources and make a life out of offering consumers something they need or want.

Pressure Washer Concrete Cleaning Equipment

Cleaning concrete is tough and there is an easy way and a hard way. There is one thing you need to understand when you are pressure washer cleaning concrete; the concrete cannot always be made to look brand new again after it has been stained. You can always get stains lighter or bleached but completely removing it is very difficult, sometimes you get lucky, but if you are looking for perfection, chances are you will be underwhelmed.

Mystery Shopping For Fun And Profit

How would you like to get paid to go shopping? That's right! Get paid to shop for clothes, eat in restaurants, watch movies, play golf, travel, and so on. You can have your cake and eat it too! Enjoy the best of both worlds. Make money and have fun at the same time as a mystery shopper. What is a Mystery Shopper? Sometimes known as a secret shopper, a mystery shopper looks like any other customer but is working undercover to perform market research or other tests on ...