
How to Act on a First Date

Usually by the time you have a first date you have either already meet someplace, or have at least talked on the telephone or over the internet, and there should at least be some amount of interest in each other or why would you have agreed to the date in the first place.

What Does It Take To Be An Entrepreneur?

Over the years countless institutes and individuals have asked the million dollar question. What makes an entrepreneur an entrepreneur? What traits or characteristics are inherent to a successful entrepreneur and is one born with those traits? There’s great news! Successful entrepreneurs are born every day! Some people believe an entrepreneur is born while others believe an entrepreneur can be taught. Some believe an entrepreneur is like an artist - either you have it or d...

If You Build It, Will They Come?

QUESTION: I recently launched a website for my sporting goods business. Do I need to do anything special to attract customers to my website? I know nothing about search engines and marketing as such. Please tell me where to begin. -- Sean M. ANSWER: Sean, that is a question that has been asked by every business person who has ever launched a website. If I build it, will they come? Of course they will -- if you’ve built a website that appeals to dead baseball players. ...