
The Importance of Productivity, Focus, and Measurement

When I was in school, I would study at least a couple of hours each day in the library. While there, I noticed that the best students were always very focused. They were not distracted like poorer students were. A poor student looks around and looks up frequently. The poor students try to start conversations, make jokes, and laugh at things going on in the library.

Alpha Pygmy Goats, Unreasonably Optimistic Russian Attorneys and Setting High Expectations for Yourself

I used to be a law professor, and I remember in my class there was the nicest kid you can imagine who had immigrated from Russia a few years previously and wanted to be an attorney. He hardly spoke English and had a difficult time putting sentences together, however, none of this appeared to matter. He was always the first guy who arrived in class each day and always stayed after to ask questions. During class, he took notes and wrote furiously. He sat in the front row and appeared to believe that he was going to be the greatest attorney of all time. He wore a suit to class each day and other kids were showing up to class in shorts, tee shirts and flip flops. All of the kids in the class liked him a lot, and they respected him a lot.

Spotting Internet Job Scams

While the percentage of simpleminded people, falling for internet job scams, seems to have remained the same this year as before, according to USA News Online, the numbers have definitely gone up. The recession has caused increase in the numbers of desperate jobseekers, and similarly there has been a rise in the numbers of attempts for running internet job scams. Sometimes, these people are just looking for information to add you to a spam list, but mostly they are looking to relieve you of your cash.

Eight Points Where a Job Interview May be Found Guilty of Discrimination

Discrimination does happen often in job interviews, and it is not always intentional. The job of recruiters is to differentiate between candidates, but the need of differentiation often results in active or unconscious discrimination. However, in a chronically disabled economy, a job seeker cannot afford to overlook transgression of his or her rights, especially when faced with questions of survival.

Targeted Cold Calling for a Job

You are living at one of those times when being out of a job, or cold calling for a job is definitely not embarrassing in the least manner, and does not carry the prejudices of yesteryears. When almost one out of every five working adults are seeking jobs or going jobless, cold calling for jobs is hardly something that's going to reduce your esteem or cast a doubt upon your employability.

You Need to Be Able to Close

The ability to ''close'' and get the sale is the most important skill in selling. It is something that few people know how to do. Many people can get a consumer, an employer, or others to the cusp of making a purchasing or hiring decision; however, it is the final ''push'' that makes all of the difference.