
Advertising Search Firms

Advertising search firms are meant to look for deserving employees for several posts for different business organizations. Various agencies or such firms also take up specialized searches like that of advertising executive search firms. These firms search for and supply experienced and qualified personnel for the vacant post in an advertising agency. Advertising search firms are specifically meant for advertising agencies only.

Post Your Resume Employers – Top 10 Ways to Post Your Resume to Employers

Find a Good Job Site: The top way to post your resume to employers is by finding a site that helps you reach more number of employers. A job search site which has a resume distribution service will help you achieve your goals instantly. A good job site will not only help you find a job but will also enhance your brand value.

How do I Quit a Manipulating Job?

Quitting a job is often a result of one or many deciding factors. The factors can be job satisfaction, money or even freedom. And when there is significant curtailing of your freedom while you’re at your job means you’re in a manipulating job. That is, your employer has not been truthful and transparent enough when you were recruited. So how do you quit a manipulating job?

Don’t Get Scammed

It seems these days that everyone wants to start a part time business. We all want to find ways to bring in some extra money. The rising acceptance and popularity of Internet commerce has also created an explosion of scam artists and online business schemes.

Subchapter S Corporation Tax Status

Overview of the Subchapter S Corporation Designation Although the term Subchapter S Corporation sounds as if it applies to a certain type of company, in actuality, it is merely a term used by the IRS (Internal Revenue Service) to designate a particular tax status. Almost any company that is comprised of 75 or less shareholders can apply for the Subchapter S Corporation tax status designation. Being approved for a Subchapter S Corporation status allows the company to be tax...