
Rod Stinson Introduces The One Step System

Outside of winning the lottery, money generally doesn’t come easy. You have to work hard to make good money, right? Wrong. Stinson & Koehl have outdone themselves this time. They have developed a system that makes it simple to recoup your initial investment within a couple days. It’s profit from then on. Many have found it to be an excellent method to earn cash from home.

What P&G Can Learn From Network Marketing’s Biggest Mistake

As a fan of P&G and someone who's been educating the Network Marketing industry for 17 years, my heart sank when I read about P&G's latest marketing tactic - bribing women to use their friendships to sell soap. NM has created an image of an industry whose people use and abuse their friends for personal gain. P&G has just created an army of 600,000 women who are using their friends in exchange for soap and coupons. The NM recruiters' pitch: Make money doing what you do e...

What’s Toll Free Numbers Got To Do With Ecommerce?

Sometimes skimping on things can save you good money. But skimping is not always the wisest business strategy. For example, I could’ve written this article in the windows program notepad as opposed to Microsoft Word, and saved a good $500 and never had to buy the latest version of Microsoft Office… However, wouldn’t it be worth the $500 if the improved impression of professionalism put forth in all of my writings some how garnered ten times that in profit? Would you have read...

Your Web Site’s Success Are You A Perceived Expert

Do you want to know what it takes to successfully market a web site and generate repeat sales? It's simple really. You must position yourself as a perceived expert. It doesn't matter what product or service you are selling, this same premise will hold true. What is a perceived expert, you ask? Good question. Gone are the days where you could build a simple company web site, list your products and send customers to an order page. New web sites are sprouting...

Resume Posting Sites – Top 10 Resume Posting Websites

The most important part of the process of looking for a job is definitely creating a very good resume. However that isn’t the end of the important bit. It is equally important for anyone looking for a job to post the resume at the right places. In fact since there are several job search websites which are very effective when you need to get a job, you may well have to consider posting your resume on all of them to get a quick response.