
Smartest Way To Use A Tell A Friend Script

A tell a friend script is a form on a web page where you can fill in your name and e-mail address and the e-mail address to one or more of your friends. It will then send a message to your friends and tell them you recommend them to take a look at the site were you filled in the form. Since your friends know you, they will most likely go take a look. A tell a friend script can be a very powerful viral marketing method if you use it the smart way.

Surviving The RFP: How To Answer The “How Will You Work With Us” Question

The very survival of your agency rests in your success in winning new business. Yet everyone hates receiving RFPs. Why? Because they require a huge investment in time and energy – and most often you don’t make the first cut, let alone win the business. After all, every agency will claim superior strategic thinking and more powerful creative – claims that are very difficult to substantiate without actually showing your work to the prospective client. So you wallow in fru...

Networking with previous customers

Your direct contacts may provide advice, counsel and support. But, it is THEIR contacts that create a new customer base, provide a supplier, get venture capital or introduce you to the person you need to close a deal. Perhaps the term business networking is a misnomer. Think of it as people networking, because it is PEOPLE that make networking successful.