
What is Loan?

A loan is a type of debt. All material things can be lent; this article, however, focuses exclusively on monetary loans. Like all debt instruments, a loan entails the redistribution of financial assets over time, between the lender and the borrower.


Selling a successful running business is not as simple as it sounds. This article throws light on the process of selling a business from start to end and emphasis on certain key points which are normally overlooked.

Rapid Prototyping Revolution

In the past, any new consumer or industrial product part brought to market had to first have a prototype built to ensure that the design could be properly applied and used by the manufacturer. Years ago, these were often wooden miniatures and clay models. More recently, laser-sintering technology has allowed plastic samples to be built from CAD/CAM electronic drawings and powdered resin.

What To Look For In A Good Freight Forwarding Company

The industrial revolution has brought people around the world closer. In effect, technology has decreased the size of the world by increasing the speed of transportation and message transcription. The results of this have been phenomenal – it has paved the way for more travel and trade between distant nations. Gone are the days when one has to wait for a package or parcel for months. With the technology applied in freight forwarding and logistics, a shorter time of sending the goods, the shortest of which is the one day delivery, is now possible.

Webloyalty: a new revenue stream for online retailers

Webloyalty rewards their clients and, in turn, their clients' customers for sticking with an e-commerce provider and giving them their valuable repeat business. You've seen similar programs, but in this case Webloyalty truly values consumers and provides excellent membership programs and service guarantees. They promise good service and they keep that promise.