
Thank You, Holly Mann For ‘No Thank You, Rich Jerk’

In my skeptical search for the legitimate methods to Making Money Online and Internet Businesses, I stumbled across Holly Manns, Honest Riches. I had come across “The Rich Jerk” many times and when I first saw the page for her eBook, and saw “Thank You, Rich Jerk, I first thought, ‘hmmm… they must be partners. Or maybe they’re married, making a ton of money and they want me to believe I can too’. Then I started reading and I will tell you what attracted me to this book. It...

Health And Safety Is Most Likely To Be Outsourced

Research, based on polls given to small and mid-sized managers and owners, has found that health and safety risk management is most likely to be outsourced. The research has found that although only a minority currently outsource many are considering outsourcing key corporate functions and the health and safety is at the top of the list. Only one in ten managers and business owners will outsource the management of accounting function; over 50% of these managers would consider or are currently outsourcing health and safety management.

Cross Promoting Techniques that Work

Cross promotions are not a new idea. They have been used by businesses for a very long time. For example, a real-estate company may promote a certain lawyer to close a sale, as the lawyer will promote that agency in his firm. The system is somewhat similar to the primitive barter system, where people traded items rather than using money. How can anything primitive fit into the online world of Internet marketing? Very easily. Cross promotions are, simply stated, a trade of advertising space.

Durasheds enters

Duramax Building Products is a market leader in the sale of large-size vinyl storage sheds. Duramax sheds are recognized as the most durable and affordable large-size sheds available in the market place today. The patented combination of vinyl walls reinforced with a steel structure allows Duramax to dominate in the storage category. Its products, which are drop-shipped nationwide, range from the popular Yardsaver 5- x 3-foot model to the large Woodbridge 10- x 13-foot model.

Working in Construction in Tennessee

Construction in Tennessee is a large part of the work force. The state spreads over 440 miles and goes from the east to the west. The population is varied and so are the physical features. There are plains, plateaus, valleys, ridges and mountains. Since the physical features are so full of variety, this makes up for a large amount of exciting work in for construction in Tennessee.

Resume Submission Service – Tips on Submitting Your Resume Online

Day by day the job scenario is growing more complicated. It is almost like a war now! Competition has increased not only locally but globally as well. People and eligible candidates from around the world vie for a single job opening. To tackle this, proper submission of resume is required much before you even sit for the interview or technical sessions. Internet may have made things easier but it has also made things more difficult too. For instance, if you’ve copied someone else’s format, your employers will get to know of it immediately and effortlessly just with a single search! So here are some top tips for submitting your resume online and getting a response!