
Your Beliefs About Yourself are Controlling Your Destiny

When you go down any street in virtually any major urban environment in the world, you will see people living on the street. I have lived in Europe, Asia, and all over the United States and wherever I have gone, I have seen people living on the street in various parts of these cities. The only place I can honestly say I have not seen this is in rural Ohio, where several members of my family live surrounded by miles of corn fields. Perhaps homeless people live in the corn fields there, I do not know.

Be the King of Wishful Thinking: Survive the Recession

The recession might be taking its toll on everything material, but inside, it can hardly affect our spirit and our thoughts unless we choose to lower our defenses. The surest way of surviving an impossible situation is to keep your hopes alive, keep going, and remain the king of wishful thinking, for there is always light at the end of the tunnel.