
Setting Goals is Their Attainment

Every year in January, I do all sorts of goal setting. I set goals for what I am going to do over the next year. I do this in a lot of ways, but sometimes I dig out old tapes and CD programs I have accumulated throughout the years and listen to them to get fired up. I have been setting goals since the first of January and it is unlikely I’ll be done before the end of January, and these goals are just covering the year 2010. I figure I am going to spend at least 10% of 2010 setting goals. The thing about in-depth goal setting is that it really works. I hate to be mysterious, but there is a level of understanding about goals that transcends what we believe is possible. Time and again I have accomplished things that formerly seemed impossible to me. This happened because I wrote the goals down. I have set goals for numerous things and written them down and these things have then proceeded to happen. Sometimes they did not happen at the exact time I had hoped they would, but they eventually did.