
Your Job is a Game: Make Your Opponents External

After being in the workforce for many years, I've come to realize that all of our jobs are, quite simply, games. In every job you have ever had you are part of a game. Your ability to play the game and be part of the team will determine your success or failure. The ability of your employer to externalize the game and the opponent will determine the success or failure of the enterprise. Games consist of rules, freedoms, barriers, and opponents.

The Big Bad Boss and You

It is not uncommon to find bullies and people without social grace as your superiors. These are people who think that you are in the army and under their command, only no army officer would behave as foolishly as they do.
Ray Kroc: The Man behind McDonald’s

Ray Kroc: The Man behind McDonald’s

Founded in 1940 by two brothers, Dick and Mac McDonald, McDonald's Corporation, as it is known today, was later taken over by Ray Kroc. Kroc's vision and marketing expertise created one of the most successful fast-food restaurant chains in history. He revolutionized the restaurant industry with his eatery's disciplined production of hamburgers, French fries, and milk shakes. Today, the company boasts more than 31,000 worldwide locations and had more than $21 billion in revenues in 2006.